There are many kinds of ants in the Golden Isles area including carpenter, fire, pavement, Argentine, thief, pharoah and odorouos house ants.
Ants can bite, sting and damage wood.

Common cockroaches can invade your property including American, Smokey Brown, Brown Banded, German, Oriental and Asian.
Roaches can cause allergies, disease, food contamination and unpleasant odors.

Aedes, culex and anopheles are common types of mosquito found in the Golden Isles area.
Mosquitos can make your outdoor area impossible to enjoy and can carry diseases such as West Nile virus, Encephalitis, Dengue Fever and Malaria.

Spiders cause many people to cringe and squirm. Common spiders found in the Golden Isles and the surrounding areas include black widow, brown widows, brown recluse, common house, orb weaver and wolf spiders.
Spiders can bite and sting. Venomous spiders bites can be very painful and even cause death. We recommend you seek immediate medical attention if you think you’ve been bitten.

Common rodents that can invade your home and property include house mice, Norway wharf rats and Roof rats.
Rodents can carry diseases and parasites, damage wood, bite and be a fire hazard due to their gnawing on electrical wires inside your home.

When fleas are nipping at your ankles, a flea infestation is quite obvious. But in other cases, the signs of fleas in your home can be less apparent, especially if the infestation is still in its early stages. On obvious sign of a flea infestation is if you find them on your pet. Check their fur, especially around their head, neck and hindquarters. These are the areas fleas usually target most.
Reddened areas of skin with some fur loss can be caused by flea bites. And even if you don’t see the insects themselves, you might notice tiny, black pepper-like dots.
Flea can trigger allergic reactions, but they will not often have a serious impact on a person’s health.

Stored product pests, including beetles, moths and mites can infest whole grains, spices and processed foods stored in your home and pantry.
Identification and killing these pests is not the complete solution. Infested articles must be found and destroyed. After treatment, good sanitation and proper storage are keys to prevent future problems.
There are many kinds of ants in the Golden Isles area including carpenter, fire, pavement, Argentine, thief, pharoah and odorouos house ants.
Ants can bite, sting and damage wood.
Common cockroaches can invade your property including American, Smokey Brown, Brown Banded, German, Oriental and Asian.
Roaches can cause allergies, disease, food contamination and unpleasant odors.
Aedes, culex and anopheles are common types of mosquito found in the Golden Isles area.
Mosquitos can make your outdoor area impossible to enjoy and can carry diseases such as West Nile virus, Encephalitis, Dengue Fever and Malaria.
Spiders cause many people to cringe and squirm. Common spiders found in the Golden Isles and the surrounding areas include black widow, brown widows, brown recluse, common house, orb weaver and wolf spiders.
Spiders can bite and sting. Venomous spiders bites can be very painful and even cause death. We recommend you seek immediate medical attention if you think you’ve been bitten.
Common rodents that can invade your home and property include house mice, Norway wharf rats and Roof rats.
Rodents can carry diseases and parasites, damage wood, bite and be a fire hazard due to their gnawing on electrical wires inside your home.
When fleas are nipping at your ankles, a flea infestation is quite obvious. But in other cases, the signs of fleas in your home can be less apparent, especially if the infestation is still in its early stages. On obvious sign of a flea infestation is if you find them on your pet. Check their fur, especially around their head, neck and hindquarters. These are the areas fleas usually target most.
Reddened areas of skin with some fur loss can be caused by flea bites. And even if you don’t see the insects themselves, you might notice tiny, black pepper-like dots.
Flea can trigger allergic reactions, but they will not often have a serious impact on a person’s health.
Stored product pests, including beetles, moths and mites can infest whole grains, spices and processed foods stored in your home and pantry.
Identification and killing these pests is not the complete solution. Infested articles must be found and destroyed. After treatment, good sanitation and proper storage are keys to prevent future problems.